Every day, 5 Wellbeing Support Vehicles (WSVs - formerly known as Tea Trucks) and 4 Wellbeing Cafes provide paramedics on the road and other office-based staff with a hot drink, healthy snack and wellbeing check-in whilst on shift. The WSV’s meet staff where they are – including crews at hospital bays and those working in the 999 and 111 control centres – delivering nutrition and support when staff and volunteers need it most.

The WSVs are the most appreciated charitable program provided for the staff and volunteers of LAS, thanks to generous gifts from our supporters. Of the WSVs, staff have said the following:

“The tea truck ...was very friendly and very approachable and very needed...lovely personality...just right for all the staff &crews. A big thank-you!!”

 “Life was beginning to get me down before I stumbled across Tea Truck ‘Felix’ at Charing Cross. Without the staff working on this Truck, I'm not sure I would've made it through the night.”


The consumables offered on the WSVs are fully funded through donations to London Ambulance Charity. On average, it costs approximately £25/day to stock 1 WSV, which will serve crews on the road. We try to be as thrifty as possible and also accept donated goods when they meet food safety standards.

To continue their journeys around the capital, the WSVs need your support. Could you fundraise or make a gift today to carry on serving the hard-working paramedics on the road with a much-deserved break and wellbeing check in.