Did you know the London Ambulance Service has a historical collection that spans many decades? One of the oldest items in the collection is a horse-drawn ambulance operated by the Metropolitan Asylum Board in the 1890s.

The London Ambulance Historic Collection is responsible for maintaining a fleet of 26 historic vehicle all of which have seen active service in London. In addition to this they also house and archive photographs, documents, uniforms and associated memorabilia and ambulance equipment.

Charitable funding helps us undertake larger projects and improve the Collection as a whole.

Support is needed to help with:

  • Digitisation - to provide greater access and prolonged availability for years to come
  • Renovation - to restore and repair classic vehicles
  • Presentation - to provide projected displays that can be shared in various settings

Help remember history beyond the 21st century by supporting the London Ambulance Historical Collection. Your support will help create a digital library, renovate, and create presentations so we can share our history near and far electronically.

Give to save history now