Nine dedicated runners set off Sunday the 23rd April to conquer the London Marathon for London Ambulance Charity. Runners were staff of LAS who entered a lottery draw for a place.

We were able to cheer them on, and all of the other runners, from our cheer stand at Embankment underground station. This location allowed us to support runners at mile 24.85…when some were needing that extra jolt of motivation.

When asked why they chose to run for London Ambulance Charity, one of our runners shared,

“Running the London Marathon was honestly one of the best experiences I have had. Having worked in London for the past 10 years, running the iconic route was amazing.

The atmosphere was incredible, just kept building mile on mile, and I could not stop smiling the whole time.Working as a Paramedic and now Advanced Paramedic in London has its challenges especially within the last few years, but I've always said one of the things that which makes working for the London Ambulance Service worthwhile is the staff and my amazing colleagues.

So running for the London Ambulance Charity knowing that the fundraising would be going to support staff made the long training runs in between shifts worthwhile! Thanks again for letting me have a spot on Team LAS. I had the best day!”

We are extremely proud of our runners for their commitment to training and their grit on the day. In total, they’ve raised over £7,400 which will go towards funding wellbeing initiatives for staff and volunteers, ultimately improving patient care across the capital.