Brave Abseilers descended from the ArcelorMittal Orbit (AMO) on two different dates in April.

The first group completed their challenge on the 2nd April, and the second group on Sunday, the 16th April.

In total, 18 brave abseilers, including Chief Medical Officer Dr Fenella Wrigley, have descended from the ArcelorMittal Orbit (AMO). In total, our abseil team (both groups) has raised an incredible £8,851.94!

Participants have shared they took part because, “it’s a great way to support the charity and have fun,” “it’s a worthy cause and one never knows when they might need it,” and “it’s a cause close to my heart following some struggles of staff around me.”

Missed the official event but still want to take on the abseil for London Ambulance Charity? You can still accomplish the challenge when it’s convenient for you. Get in touch today for 1 of the 10 remaining places! Email [email protected]